Pt 4. Food. Five Essentials to kick-start your way to a healthier you.
Ooops - I've left this hanging until now. Today we're talking about my favourite topic:-Food.
Food is the body's fuel and you need to consume it. It provides vital energy, vitamins and minerals, and should be as fresh and unprocessed as possible. By food, I mean the stuff that either grows from the ground or in the water, or it eats what grows from the ground and water. I know we all live busy lives, but on the basis that we're all too busy to get sick or be sicker for longer than we need to be, here's my rule for food:
- If it needs a packet, eat it only rarely or not at all. (Generally, if it needs a packet it is highly processed and low in nutrients)
- If it's in a packet, check the Ingredients list to confirm that it is what it says it is.
- If its packaging free, it's probably fresh, unprocessed and full of vital, good-for-you nutrients. (not to mention the benefits for the environment and your hip pocket)
Include Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats in each nutrient dense meal. More on the nutrient dense concept in later posts, but for now, take a look at your general eating habits in terms of the packaging concept above, and see where you can make some really simple changes. keep breathing, drinking and moving.
Tomorrow: The fifth essential: Sleep and Rest.
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