Calories or Micronutrients - which to choose?
The answer here is that you need to balance these.
You need the best nutrition-per-calorie you can get.
If you're trying to lose weight, gain weight or maintain it, the age old catch-cry of "Do the math - Calories in and Calories out" is the answer.
But you also need to be aware that a 300 calorie piece of cardboard (soaked with the "right" balance of Carbs, Proteins and Fats (not to mention sugars, sodium and fibre) is just not the same as a 300 calorie vitamin and mineral rich, whole-foodstuff to your body.
Your body knows when it is provided with enough of "the good stuff"....and it knows when it's being cheated. If you rip it off in the vitamins and minerals department, for the sake of a few calories, or a few less fat grams, it will provide you with cravings for what it is missing: potentially driving you to eat more orf what you don't need in it's search for "enough" of what it needs.
As re-knowned chef and author Stephanie Alexander said during her recent appearance on SBS's "Insight" (A Gutful), talking about preparing fresh food and, yes, adding a little creme fraiche or butter or olive oil.....
Stephanie Alexander, Insight, Monday 30 March, 2009
Cheers :)
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