Fitness, Health and Wellness Musings, Tips and the occasional rant'n'rave about finding your excellence from an Athens 2004 Olympian.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Obesity Challenge: Why we often eat too much.

Thinking about the obesity and resultant heath and wellness challenges that our society is facing across the world, I had a fairly simple realisation a couple of weeks ago: we humans have evolved over hundreds of thousands of years and until very recently we've had to hunt and gather what ever food we ate - we've had to work hard for the food that was available and that we needed. We learned to feast in times of plenty and do without in leaner times. We're still doing that today, because it's how we're programmed. BUT today, with the advent of organisations such as Coles, Woolworths, Sainsburys and TESCO, we're always in times of plenty and we can have what ever we want and as much of it as we want and we don't have to have only what we need. AND "hunting and gathering" in the local supermarket doesn't take quite the effort that hunting and gathering in the wild thousands of years ago used to take.

You're probably beginning to see my point: we need to be more conscious of our current environment and our own ancient needs and drives. While our survival brains are telling us "good times: eat up today - it might not be there tomorrow!" we unconsciously cruise the supermarket aisles and throw one of every fancy coloured package into the shopping trolley or onto our plates, we need to realise that just because we can have it all today, we don't have to, and we don't need to.

Driving an ancient organism in a modern world is a tough challenge and one that we need to wake up to and meet if we want to enjoy the best health and well being possible.

Think about it.... :)


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