It's rated as a Low GI foodstuff, but Fructose is increasingly coming under fire in the obesity debate. Here's some more fuel for the debate regarding the link between high levels of fructose consumption and childhood obesity: I came across the transcript of a recent (9 July, 2007) ABC Radio National "Health Report" interview with Robert Lustig, who's a professor of Paediatric Endocrinology at the University of California in San Francisco.
In his
interview, Professor Lustig eludes to some pretty interesting science that points the finger for childhood obesity (and adults to a degree) very squarely at high fructose consumption due to the fact that it's difficult to avoid in processed foods. Yes, Frucose does have a low GI(
Glycaemic Index), but as he explains, GI is only half the story, and we were never designed to eat as much of it as there is now available. Read the transcript
It all comes down to eating sensibly: Avoid processed foods, drink plenty of water (rather than juice (processed or not, juice has very high levels of sugar relative to dietary fibre and therefore has a high Glycaemic Load); eat plenty of fruit and vegetables in their natural forms; moderate amounts of protein, dairy, nuts and legumes; with the occasional 'sweetie' thrown in.
Oh yeah!...and remember to
move.What do you think about the increasing inclusion of added sugars, including fructose, to our foods? Should we stand up say "no more", now that the consequences are coming to light, or should it be up to individuals to make their choices?
Cheers. :)