Fitness, Health and Wellness Musings, Tips and the occasional rant'n'rave about finding your excellence from an Athens 2004 Olympian.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

See you at the Australian Fitness Expo!

Yes, you read that right. Put the dates April 17-19, 2009 in your Diary now and come see us at the Fitness Expo where you'll be able to try out our great gear: Numetrex Heart Rate Monitoring Clothes, our brand new Progio units (great for keeping your training routine when you're travelling or when you just can't get to a trainer); and of course our fab training, health and fitness advice.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Antioxidants seem to be the most recent bandwagon for promoting food choices to consumers and it's driving me mad. Why? Because it seems that it's the new "Fat Free / Low Fat" marketing scheme: where everything including sugar laden foodstuffs were labelled "Fat Free" or "Low Fat" in an attempt to entice people to believe that the product's fat levels made it a good food choice, and the fact that they were fat free or low in fat was a "new" thing.

While the claims were truthful with regard to their fat content, this condition wasn't new, and it unfortunately convinced many people that they were making "healthy" food choices by grabbing packets of sugar-laden, nutrient devoid and highly processed food that they may not have otherwise loaded into their shopping trolleys and bodies and, ironically enough, increasing the oxidative stress load on the body. Which brings me to the current Antioxidant drive.
It started with berries and fruit - fair enough...but now it's being used to sell instant coffee and I don't know what's next.

Antioxidants do serve a very useful role -they have been shown to slow and prevent oxidative stress, the build up of free radicals and therefore cell damage. So: it appears that they are indeed good for you, however the best form to find them in is in whole foods. Namely: fresh fruit and vegetables where they're packaged as nature intended and ready for our bodies to receive them:- not in highly processed pseudo-foods.

SO: Before you buy your next over-priced "Antioxidant" labelled feed, consider this - the best sources of bio-available antioxidants are whole foods that grow on trees, bushes, vines and in the ground. They are bright and colourful all by themselves and don't need a Marketing Agency's Graphic Artist to weave any visual magic to make them more appealing. Ditch the packets and visit the Fruit and Veg. aisle in your supermarket if you don't have your own garden. Better for you and Better for the environment.

New Studio in Brookvale

Sunday wasn't the brightest of days weather wise but we had a blast at the opening of the new Galileo Studio in Brookvale on Sydney's Northern beaches. With six of the "Beach's" Olympians including myself as drawcards for the opening, the new studio saw a great roll up of people interested in getting their health on track with the Studio's owner, Clare Hozack and her trainers, Dan and Katie.
Olympians might have got people in the door, but we didn't command much attention once the Vibration training platforms were in view. Vibration plate training was originally developed to boost muscle mass in Soviet cosmonauts and improve the performance of elite athletes. It's now available for all of us to reap the benefits and is used at St Vincent's Hospital and sporting clubs such as Collingwood Football Club in Victoria. We all had a good go so that we had more in common with the others in the studio and we gave it a very big "thumbs up".

It might be low impact and ideal for those with injuries or limited movement, but under the guidance of the fabulous staff in attendance, those plates give you a fantastic workout by making sure every muscle including all your stabilisers get a great workout. We also found it fabulous for stretching and recovery (some of us under the weather from nasty training regimes and others from a solid and recent bout of partying)... I managed to reclaim a good 7 cm in range in my hamstrings that had been subject to training with Clare a couple of days previously and the others had similar results. Other benefits from the Galileo vibration plate training include increased bone density, weight loss stimulus and diabetes management.

If you're considering working with a trainer to motivate you and show you the shortcuts to getting into and maintaining great health, we highly recommend the Galileo studio and it's staff in Brookvale. They're conveniently based in West St, Brookvale, and there's plenty of parking available, so give Clare a call at the studio on 99054144 to arrange a consultation!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Creating Momentum

Creating momentum in anything you do is about starting. Whether you have everything in place that you believe you need or not, the best thing to do is just get started. Every day, ignore the procrastinator inside and take the first step of your 30 minute walk and then come home and take the first step to nourishing your body well get the picture. This behaviour might be a new pattern for you and you may need to make some new habits but the best thing about it is that once you're started you will see little changes quickly and you can apply the same principles to your family life, your job and your business. Have recently watched Dan Kennedy's intro video that has reminded me of thes wonderfully baisc principles. If you're interested, you can take a look at it... . No doubt you'll get differnt messages to mine, but they'll be the right ones for you. Cheers

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Training by 'Remote' with Progio

Was out and about today to meet a new friend of mine - Nick Zagrafos - to compare notes and play with some fabulous technology. With Progio, you can have have your Trainer with you full time for a fraction of the cost.

Nick and I met recently though our mutual friend Darren Hughes of Satellite Fitness (based down in Melbourne) when Nick was looking to find out more about our Progio units. Nick is a Personal Trainer based in Sydney's southwest. If you're living in that area and are looking for some outstanding help with getting your health or fitness (or both) on track or just shaped up, Nick is your man. Fantastic personality, intelligent, and wise to world, this man will have you feeling better and healthier in no time ( and No, he's not paying me to say that) Anyway, the main reason we met up was to get together and explore the Progio unit I've been playing with for a while.

This neat little unit let's you take your Trainer with you everywhere you go, and it lets your Trainer go with you everywhere you go (PERFECT for us Trainers heheheh). The Progio has a number of great features, not the least of which is it's light weight and practical shape that lets you use it as easily when you're running around outside, as when you're stationery in the gym using machines or free weights. Just as I did, Nick absolutely the loved the size, shape and weight of the unit and we were quick to get ideas flowing as to how our clients could best benefit. With Progio, we have the ability to send workouts to our clients who can often be anywhere in the country or in other countries from time to time. It also let's us maintain higher levels of support to clients for a fraction of the cost of Face to Face training which is great for them and really effective. In the near future you should be able to buy these great units from both of us, so stay tuned. Int he mean time if you'd like to know more, visit Satellite Fitness at and the Progio web site at

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Lots going on....

While training for our 111km paddle is now over seeing that the event was nearly 2 weeks ago, there's heaps going on again here... including the updating of our website and the structure of our business.

Didn't blog much regarding the paddling adventure which I regret now, but suffice to say that is possible to learn to paddle a K2 racing kayak and then paddle it 111km down a river in the middle of the night in a record breaking 9hours, 47 mins and 50 secs. Wooo ohoooo! Now that I've reminded my self that all things are possible if you want them enough it's time to apply that to the areas in my life that are lagging.
